Website carbon results for:
This is cleaner than 0 % of all web pages globally
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Only 0.0 g of CO2 is produced every time someone visits this web page.
How do we calculate this?Oh no, it looks like this web page uses bog standard energy If this site used green hosting, then it would emit 9% less CO2
How do we find this out?This result is an approximation
You can get a comprehensive view of a website’s emissions and potential improvements by carrying out a Website Carbon Audit.
Over a year, with
monthly page views,
kg of CO2 equivalent.
As much CO2 as boiling water for cups of tea
kWh of energy
As much C02 as full charges of an average smartphone
Woah, that’s a lot of bubbles!
This web page emits the amount of carbon that trees absorb in a year.
kWh of energy
That’s enough electricity to drive an electric car km.
Take action
Here's three things you can do now
Website Carbon Badge
Tell your visitors about your carbon emissions
Show your carbon credentials
The badge can be added to the footer of any website to automatically calculate and display the carbon emissions of each page.
Open Source API
We have an API for Website Carbon available for use in integrating website carbon calculations into other tools and workflows.
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