Website Carbon API

We have an API for Website Carbon available for use in integrating website carbon calculations into other tools and workflows.

Non-commercial use

Free access to the API is only available for non-commercial use. Non-commercial means that you are a registered charity or non-profit organisation. We may grant non-commercial access to academics for research upon verification of an email address from the relevant academic institution.

Commercial use

Commercial use is considered an use by an organisation that does not meet the criteria above for non-profit usage. To use the API (or underlying code and methodology) for any commercial purposes, you must request permission to do so in writing. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis. Please do so via the form below.

Accessing the API

Please complete the form below to agree to the licence and request access:

API request form

Approximate number of tests per month
Access type(Required)
If you would like to provide any additional information, please let us know. If you are requesting commercial access, please provide details.
Licence agreement(Required)
Do you agree to abide by the licence agreement set our above as Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)?


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